Discernment – From the Navigating the Vortex Wellness Column

Reprinted with permission from the Crestone Eagle.  www.crestoneeagle.org

Making clear choices when navigating one’s life. What is best for oneself and others in your life?


Discerning is an acquired skill that becomes easier as it’s practiced. The first step in making the best choices for oneself and others in your life is to get clear on what is best for you, both physically and emotionally. 


For example, is it the best choice to stay out late socializing on a night when you need to be at your best the next day?


Some may choose to do things without much thought about the consequences of their choice. These unconscious choices can lead to harsh lessons like conflict or some sort of loss in the form of unpleasant experiences. With awareness, next time, the lesson is learned and one chooses a different option or path. Something that will not slow fulfilling one’s purpose in life and meeting one’s life goals.


When I end up in unpleasant situations, instead of immediately placing blame, which is often a natural response to take the blame off oneself, I look at my choices. I own my part in what has taken place because of the choices I have made. As I have more life experiences, I learn what serves my life and furthers my life purpose and what holds me back. 


Discernment is something we learn as we go. When you keep repeating the same mistakes, learn from them and do it differently next time.  Choose carefully and wisely. I am often reminded of the old saying, “If you keep repeating the same mistakes…, that’s the definition of insanity.” When I catch myself doing this, I recognize that this choice is not good for my mental health.


Choose friends and a life partner who will support you on your chosen life path and not take you down a path that is not in alignment with who you are and your life purpose. 


Choose jobs that will help you to move further along in your life purpose. How you contribute to the world.


Choose to live in a place that is physically healthy and also provides access to people and work that nourishes your soul.


How will you know when you are making the right choices? Usually, you will feel good about your life. Some might say that you are living in alignment with your true purpose. You are making choices that make you feel fulfilled and happy most of the time. 


Life is not perfect and even someone who thinks they are making clear choices may find themselves in unpleasant situations. All we can do is continue to fine tune our choices, and also learn to navigate inevitable situations that are not always in our control.


It’s best to learn to be flexible, adjust and readjust. For example, if you didn’t make the greatest choice with a friend or a job, you can always gently and kindly change the nature of your relationship, or fulfill your obligation to your current job and begin looking for something new. Enjoy the journey along the way to a more fulfilling and peaceful life.

*These are suggestions and are not meant to be a prescription for your unique individual needs. Practice with awareness and agency. Seek a medical professional to discuss your options.*

Many of Gina’s suggestions can be found in her FREE ebook, Connection Post Pandemic, 2nd edition of Lighter: Living Tantra

Gina M. Barrett, MIA, C-IAYT is an international author, trauma-informed yoga therapist, somatic eastern movement educator, and equine therapist.  To learn more about Gina and to receive her FREE ebook, visit www.ginambarrett.com

Gina Barrett